KAF Delhi Team Visits Kalka Mandir, India

Published on Sun, September 14, 2014 ∙ Leafleting ∙ India

On the 7th of September, 2014, a team from Kalki Avatar Foundation India visited the Kalka Mandir in Delhi, to advocate the wonderful teachings of Kalki Avatar Ra Gohar Shahi. Kalka Mandir is one of the biggest temples in Delhi where people from all over the country come for spiritual healing and worship. Our team displayed large banners depicting the divine signs and of Kalki Avatar Ra Gohar Shahi and the temple-goers came in flocks to listen to the Goharian Philosophy of Divine Love. The aspirants were given the invocation (simran) of Ra Raam, they also took the image of Kalki Avatar Gohar Shahi home for blessings and worship. The KAF Delhi Team has been visiting the Kalka Mandir regularly for the past 5 years and there are many aspirants who have known them since and who have been doing the invocation (simran) of Ra Raam. One aspirant said,

'Ever since I took the initiation, I can feel my life changing dramatically in a positive way!'

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