The Dangers of Self-Love
Article by H.H. Younus AlGohar · August 03, 2017
Self-love will turn you into an animal. Divine love will make you a wonderful person.

This article was originally published on Younus AlGohar's Medium page. Learn more about self-love in the Messiah Herald: Save Society with EQ.
Self-love will turn you into an animal. Divine love will make you a wonderful person.
Everybody has this natural admiration for oneself. It is natural, but there is a time and point when self-admiration goes to a new extreme. Then, it is so heightened and elevated that it becomes an illness.
When something is wrong with your physical organs, you detect that problem by virtue of spotting symptoms. However, not too many people pay attention on behavioural issues and cognitive issues. Spirituality has answers for all those problems.
Every form of love is intoxicating. Whether it is carnal love, monetary love, self-love or divine love, love is really addictive.
However, the most dangerous form of love is self-love. In self-love only, you harm and hurt others. You take their lives. You ruin their lives.
In divine love, in order to benefit humanity, you ruin your own life. You don’t hurt or harm anybody. If you see a hungry man, you deprive yourself of the food that is supposed to go in your stomach and give it to him. In order to help others, you give the breath you need to survive away to people. That is divine love.
Self-love is very easy and common. People don’t have to make efforts. They fall in love with themselves and they don’t even notice. There is a time when your spiritual faculties within you become blind to detect this very dangerous form of love.
An enlightened heart will never allow self-love to grow in it, because self-love is not just self-destructive — it is like a time bomb.
It will ruin friends and families. It will ruin countries. If you become a president and you suffer from the disease of self-love, you will ruin the country. If you are a powerful leader and you a sick man, and your sickness lies in self-love, maybe you will put the entire world at the brink of war.
Now is the time when we need to understand whether or not we are doing anything that might trigger self-admiration to the extreme or self-love. We have to be very careful. Self-love is unprofitable; it is only destructive.
Some ‘spiritualists’ underline the need for having self-love. They equal self-love with self-esteem. However, there is a very thin blue line between these two regimes.
Self-esteem is nowhere near self-admiration and self-love. Self-love is not healthy; it is not in the welfare of your spiritual being.
Self-love is very dangerous not just for yourself, but to those also who are around you.