KAF invited for Puja in Kotahena, Sri Lanka

Published on Fri, February 20, 2015 ∙ Leafleting ∙ Sri Lanka

In Kotahena, a suburb in Colombo, Sri Lanka, our team from Kalki Avatar Foundation was invited for Puja (prayer) at the home of Mrs Priya Darshani. Mrs Darshani is a recipient of our message who called upon the image of Kalki Avatar Ra Gohar Shahi in her time of need and was helped right away! She was extremely pleased and grateful for having obtained the blessings of Kalki Avatar Ra Gohar Shahi.

During the Puja, our team along with Mrs Darshani and her family members recited various bhajans (songs) in praise of Kalki Avatar Ra Gohar Shahi. They also performed aarti towards the end of the Puja.

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